General conditions of use for WELTER zahnrad GmbH
1. Information on copyright
All information of this website are made available without claim to correctness, completeness or up-to-dateness. If not otherwise expressly indicated in this publication, i.e. in connection with a certain extract, a file or a document – everyone is entitled to view, copy, print and distribute this document under the following conditions: The document must only be used for non-commercial information purposes. Each copy of this document or of a part hereof has to include the copyright declaration and the copyright protection symbol of the operator. The document, any copy of the document or of a part hereof must not be modified without written approval of the operator. The operator reserves the right to withdraw this approval at any time and any use has to be immediately stopped as soon as a written notification is published by the operator.
2. Contractual guarantees and waivers
The website is available to you free of charge, if not otherwise agreed. The operators do not assume any liability for the correctness of the included information, the available of services, loss of data saved under or the usability for any certain purpose. The operators are also not liable for subsequent damages which are based on the use of the offered services. As far as an exclusion of liability is not coming into question the operators are only liable for gross negligence and intent. Product and company names are brands of the corresponding owners and are used on these pages only for information purposes. This publication might include technical or other inaccuracies or spelling or typing errors. The present information is modified from time to time. These changes are included in newer issues of the publication. The operator can make improvements and/or modifications to the offers which are described in this publication at any time.
3. Statements for comments and in the forum
Due to the continuously changing contents of commence and in the forum the operator cannot view all articles completely, check the contents and exercise the direct active control hereof. Therefore, he/she does not assume any liability for the contents, the correctness and the form of the published articles.
3a. Special regulations for logged in users
With the login at the user – hereinafter called “Member” – agrees to the following conditions of use towards the operator: Members who are participating in discussion forums and comments are obliged
- To abstain from any insults, punishable contents, pornography or gross language in their articles.
- To bear the sole responsibility for the published contents not to infringe rights of third parties (in particular brand, copyright and general personal rights) and to completely release the operators of from claims of third parties resulting from their articles.
- Not to insert advertisements of any kind neither in forums or comments nor to use forums and comments for any kind of commercial activity. In particular the publishing of phone numbers with the prefix 0900 for any purpose is expressly forbidden. (or the publishing of any other type of phone number which may be subject to undisclosed charges or obligations).
There is no right of publication of submitted comment or forum articles. The operators of reserve the right to edit or delete comments or articles at their own discretion. When infringing the obligations mentioned under 1), 2) and 3) the operators also reserve the right to limit, suspend or permanently cancel membership.
4. Submitting articles
As far as the member applies the possibility to submit own articles for the editorial part of the following applies: Condition for the posting of own articles is that the member entered his/her complete and correct first and last name in his/her user profile of or enters the data after having submitted the article. The submitted article is signed with the entered name when it is published. The member declares for all articles which will be submitted by him or her in the future on as follows:
- The member ensures that the submitted articles are free from rights of third parties in particular copyright, brand and personal rights. This also applies for all submitted articles and images.
- The member grants an unlimited right of use in the submitted articles to the operators of This includes the publication in the Internet under as well as on other Internet servers in newsletters, print media and other publications.
- Submitted articles will be deleted or anonymized upon demand of the member by e-mail to the address of the webmaster. The deletion or anonymization will be performed within 7 days after the notification. For subsequent damages which the member suffers due to the delayed deletion of the article the operators are only liable insofar as it is not based on a breach of duty of the member (above under 1), 2) and 3) ) and as far as it is furthermore not based on gross culpability or intent of the operator. In this connection we expressively point out that is indexed by search machines on a regular basis and that we do not have any influence if, where and for how long articles published on our website might be saved and are called from data bases of search machines and web catalogues even if they are deleted at
- There is no claim on saving, publishing or archiving the submitted articles. The operators reserve the right not to publish submitted articles without giving reasons to edit articles before publishing them or to delete articles after having published them at their free discretion.
- There are no claims to remuneration (royalties, license fees, expenditure compensations or similar) of the member towards for the publishing of submitted articles. The cooperation is voluntary (unsalaried).
5. Declaration on protection of data (privacy policy)
As far as the possibility is used within the Internet offer to enter personal or business data the surrender of such data by the user is expressively on a voluntary basis. The use of our service – as far as technically possible and reasonable – without specification of such data or giving anonymous data or a pseudonym. Please find other important information on the topic of protection of data in our declaration on protection of data (privacy policy).
6. Registration and password
The user is obliged to keep the combination user name/password confidential and not to forward it to third parties. Inform the operator in case of suspicion of abuse of the access data.
7. Note on the (German) law for teleservices
For Internet sites of third parties on which this offer refers by so-called links the corresponding providers are responsible. The operator is not responsible for the contents of such sites of third parties. Furthermore, the website can be linked by means of so-called links from other pages without our knowledge. The operator does not assume any responsibility for illustration, contents or any link to these website in websites of third parties. The operator is only responsible for external contents if he is having positive knowledge (i.e. also from illegal or punishable contents) and if it is technically possible and reasonable for him to avoid the use of such sites. However, according to the law on teleservice the operator is not obliged to check external contents continuously.
Please address any questions regarding to the webmaster.
These general conditions of use refer to If parts or single formulations of this text do not, no longer or not completely comply with the current legal position the other parts of the document remain unaffected with regard to contents and validity.
Declaration on protection of data (Privacy Policy) for WELTER zahnrad GmbH
The operators of take the protection of private data seriously. The particular consideration of the privacy when processing personal data is an important concern. Personal data are used according to the provisions of the Bundesdatensschutzgesetz (= German Federal Law on the Protection of Data); the operators of this website are obliged to discretion. These websites may contain links to websites of other providers to which this declaration on a protection of data does not extend. Please also find other important information in the general conditions of use for WELTER zahnrad GmbH.
1. Personal data
Personal data are information which may be used to find out the identity. This includes information such as the correct name, address, postal address, phone number. Information which are not directly related to the real identity (such as for instance preferred websites or number of users of a site) are not included. It is generally possible to use our online offering without revealing one’s identity. If you decide to register, i.e. log on as member (registered user) it is possible to store personal information in the individual user profile. However, you are free to decide if you enter such data or not. Since it is being tried to collect as little personal data as possible for the use of the offer please enter any name – under which you are listed as member; this name is sufficient for the registration and must not necessarily correspond to your real name – and indicate the e-mail address to which the password is being sent. In connection with the access to our sites server related data (i.e. IP address, date, time and viewed sites) are saved. Such data are not evaluated related to a person. We reserve the right to perform statistic evaluations of anonymized data records. We use the personal data for the purpose of technical administration of the websites and for customer management only in the necessary scope. Moreover, personal data are only saved if indicated voluntarily.
2. Forwarding of personal data
We use personal information only for this website. We do not forward any information to third parties without expressive consent. If data are forwarded to service providers in the frame of the processing of order data the service providers are obliged to observe the German Federal Law on the Protection of Data, other legal provisions and they are bound to this Privacy Policy. Any evaluations or transfer of personal data to government agencies and authorities are only performed in the frame of mandatory legislation.
3. Use of cookies
We use cookies – small files including configuration information. They help us to identify user related settings and to implement special user functions. We do not record any personal data by means of the cookies. All information of the website may also be used without cookies, however, some user defined properties and settings are not available.
4. Children
Persons under 18 should not submit any personal data to us without approval of the parents or legal guardians. We do not ask any personal data from children, do not collect such data and do not forward it to third parties.
5. Right of withdrawal
If you have supplied us with personal data you can change and delete it from the user profile at any time. Please contact the webmaster for a complete deletion of the account. Up to now any contributions to forums, comments, announcements and articles may however possibly be maintained – please find further information in the general conditions of use.
6. Links to other websites
Our online offer includes links to other websites. We do not have any influence on whether the operators of such websites observe the provisions on protection of data or not.
7. Contributions
The contributions on our site may be accessed by anybody. Contributions should be thoroughly checked before publishing them if they include any information that is not intended for the public. The contributions might be included in search machines and this website might be accessed worldwide without browsing it intentionally.
8. Questions and comments
Please address any questions and suggestions as well as comments regarding the topic protection of data by mail to the webmaster of
9. Data Security Officer
WELTER zahnrad GmbH has appointed an external data security officer, Mr. Patrick Schweisthal. Ge can be contacted under the following eMail-Link: MAIL